Help the breastfeeding  journey of mothers and babies become a satisfying and successful experience

Breastfeeding is an important public health issue and can make a huge difference to the health and well-being of mothers, babies and families. Turning knowledge and evidence into practical solutions is where Breastfeeding LENS can help meet your individual and unique training needs.

Breastfeeding LENS is a new and innovative company of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants with a wealth of experience gained working with breastfeeding mothers and babies, one to one and in groups . Years providing peer support, training and consultation underpins the work of Breastfeeding LENS.

Breastfeeding LENS specialises in training and peer support across many different communities, with flexible working in a variety of settings. This can help to focus much needed breastfeeding support efficiently and effectively. Breastfeeding LENS offers its services to public sector and other organisations, and individuals.

Peer Support

Well integrated embedded community peer support has been shown to increase breastfeeding rates and enhance the mother baby experience of breastfeeding (NICE 2007) and reduce health inequalities (DoH 2009).

MotherBaby Together” offered by Breastfeeding LENS is a flexible peer support programme that can be provided as a new project or dove-tail into existing services by drawing on the strength of local staff and peer supporters.



Breastfeeding LENS understands about local issues. Focusing on your targets Breastfeeding LENS provides high quality flexible courses or bespoke training packages that help you meet the individual needs of your setting. The courses can be tailored to an appropriate level for staff with differing roles and contact with expectant and nursing mothers.



The LENS team has experience, expertise and qualifications to provide training or consultation on all aspects of breastfeeding and breastfeeding peer support. LENS can take a project through from initial consultation to implementation.

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